Wij informeren u graag over de gebruikte handelsnamen van kunststoffen. De kunt u vinden in de linker tabel. De afkortingen van kunststoffen staan in de middelste tabel. In rechter tabel staan de chemische benamingen van kunststof. Heeft u vragen? Neem dan even contact op. Wij informeren u graag over de handelsnamen en benamingen. 



(handels)naam Letterafkorting Chemische benamingen
Absafil ABS (GFK) Acrylonitrille-Butadieen-Styreen
Absaglas ABS (GFK) Acrylonitrille-Butadieen-Styreen
Absalex ABS Acrylonitrille-Butadieen-Styreen
Absinol ABS Acrylonitrille-Butadieen-Styreen
Abson ABS Acrylonitrille-Butadieen-Styreen
Abstrex PS Poly-Styreen
Acella PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Acetabel CA Cellulose-Acetaat
Aclacell PUR Poly-Urethaan
Aclathan PUR Poly-Urethaan
Aclathan PUR elastomeer Poly-Urethaan
Acoplan UP (GFK) Unsaturated Polyester
Acowell UP (GFK) Unsaturated Polyester
Acrifix PMMA Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat
Acriplex PMMA Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat
Acrylux PMMA Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat
Acrytex PMMA Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat
Adiprene PUR Poly-Urethaan
Adiprene UR (Vp) Butylrubber (elastomeer)
Adretta PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Aerophenal PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Aeternamid PA Polyamide, Nylon
Afcodur PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Afcoléne PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Afcovyls PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Akulon PA 6 Polyamide, Nylon
Akulon R600 PA 6,6 Polyamide, Nylon
Alathon PE Poly-Etheen
Albamit MF Melamine-Formaldehyde
Alberit PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Albertit UF Ureum-formaldehyde
Aldurol UP Unsaturated Polyester
Algoflon PTFE Poly-Tetra-Fluor-Etheen
Alkathene HDPE Hoge Dichtheid Poly Etheen
Alkathene LDPE Lage Dichtheid Poly Etheen
Alkathene PE Poly-Etheen
Alkon POM Poly-Oxy-Methyleen
Alkorcrom PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
(handels)naam Letterafkorting vlgs. ISO Chemische benamingen
Alkorfol PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Alkorit PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Alkoron PA Polyamide, Nylon
Alkothylen PE Poly-Etheen
Alnovol PF (novolak) Fenol-Formaldehyde
Alpolit UP Unsaturated Polyester
Alresen PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Ambroin PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Andoran PC Poly-Carbonaat
Appretan PVAC Poly-vinyl-acetaat
Araldit EP Epoxy (harsen)
Armodur PVC hard PVC zonder weekmaker
Arnite PBTP Poly-Butileen-Tereftalaat
Arnite PETP Poly-Etheen-Tere-Ftalaat
Arnite G PETP PVC zonder weekmaker
Asplit PF (mod) Fenol-Formaldehyde
Astradur PVC (mod) Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Astraglas PVC zacht  PVC zonder weekmaker
Astralit PVC hard PVC zonder weekmaker
Astralon PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Astratherm PVC hard PVC zonder weekmaker
Atephen PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Atlac UP Unsaturated Polyester
Atlas PETP PVC zonder weekmaker
Atlastik PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Bakelite EP Epoxy (harsen)
Bakelite MF Melamine-Formaldehyde
Bakelite MF Melamine-Formaldehyde
Bakelite PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Bakelite PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Bakelite UF Ureum-formaldehyde
Bakelite Polysulfon PSU Poly-Sulfon
Bascodur PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Baycryl PMMA Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat
Baydur PUR Poly-Urethaan
Baydur schuim PUR Poly-Urethaan
Bayfill schuim PUR Poly-Urethaan
Bayfit schuim PUR Poly-Urethaan
(handels)naam Letterafkorting vlgs. ISO Chemische benamingen
Bayflex PUR Poly-Urethaan
Bayflex schuim PUR Poly-Urethaan
Baylon HDPE Hoge Dichtheid Poly Etheen
Baylon LDPE Lage Dichtheid Poly Etheen
Baylon PE Poly-Etheen
Baytec elastomeer PUR Poly-Urethaan
Baytherm schuim PUR Poly-Urethaan
Beckaminol UF Ureum-formaldehyde
Beckocoat PUR Poly-Urethaan
Beckoform PUR Poly-Urethaan
Beckopox EP Epoxy (harsen)
Becurol UF Ureum-formaldehyde
Bendurlen PE Poly-Etheen
Bendurplast UP Unsaturated Polyester
Benecor PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Benedur PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Benvic PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Bexoid CA Cellulose-Acetaat
Bexthene PE Poly-Etheen
Bexthene PP Poly-Propyleen
Bextrene PS Poly-Styreen
Biradur PF (PM) Fenol-Formaldehyde
Birakrit EP Epoxy (harsen)
Birakrit MF Melamine-Formaldehyde
Birakrit PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Biraletex PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Biralit MF Melamine-Formaldehyde
Biramin MF Melamine-Formaldehyde
Birax EP Epoxy (harsen)
Birax MF Melamine-Formaldehyde
Birax PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Bocato PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Brandalen PE Poly-Etheen
Brandalit ABS Acrylonitrille-Butadieen-Styreen
Brandobutyrar CAB Cellulose-Acetaat-Butyraat
Brandur PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Breon PC Poly-Carbonaat
Breon PVCD ?
(handels)naam Letterafkorting vlgs. ISO Chemische benamingen
Brüggamid PA Polyamide, Nylon
Brulon PA (GFK) Polyamide, Nylon
Buton PS-Cop Poly-Styreen copolymeer
Cabulite CAB Cellulose-Acetaat-Butyraat
Caprolan PUR Poly-Urethaan
Cardura Polyester Polyester
Carina PVC hard PVC zonder weekmaker
Carinex PS Poly-Styreen
Carlona PE Poly-Etheen
Carlona P PP Poly-Propyleen
Carta PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Casocryl PMMA Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat
Celastoid CA Cellulose-Acetaat
Celatron PS (mod) Poly-Styreen
Celawrap CA Cellulose-Acetaat
Celcon POM Poly-Oxy-Methyleen
Celipal UP Unsaturated Polyester
Cellastine CA Cellulose-Acetaat
Cellasto UR Butylrubber (elastomeer)
Cellidor CA Cellulose-Acetaat
Cellidor CAB Cellulose-Acetaat-Butyraat
Cellidor CP Cellulose-Propionaat
Cellidor A CA Cellulose-Acetaat
Cellidor B CAB Cellulose-Acetaat-Butyraat
Cellidor CP CP Cellulose-Propionaat
Cellidor S CA Cellulose-Acetaat
Cellidor U CA Cellulose-Acetaat
Cellit CA Cellulose-Acetaat
Cellit CAB Cellulose-Acetaat-Butyraat
Cello CA Cellulose-Acetaat
Cellon CA Cellulose-Acetaat
Cellonex CA Cellulose-Acetaat
Cellophan Zellglas Geregenereerde cellulose, cellofaan,zellglas
Celluloid CN Cellulose-Nitraat, Celluloid
Celoron PF hawe Fenol-Formaldehyde met wefsel
Celso CMC Carboxy-Methyl-Cellulose
Chemoplast CF Cresol-Formaldehyde
Chemoplast PC/CF ?
(handels)naam Letterafkorting vlgs. ISO Chemische benamingen
Cheratolo PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Cibanoid MF Melamine-Formaldehyde
Cibanoid UF Ureum-formaldehyde
Cimacell CA Cellulose-Acetaat
Cimalen PE Poly-Etheen
Cimasit PC/CF ?
Cimasit PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Cimavil PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Condal UR Butylrubber (elastomeer)
Conrex PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Contan PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Contex PUR Poly-Urethaan
Conthan PUR Poly-Urethaan (elastomeer)
Conti-pur PUR Poly-Urethaan
Conticell PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Conticell PVC hard PVC zonder weekmaker
Contiduct Si Silicoonrubber
Contilan UR Butylrubber (elastomeer)
Contilan PUR Poly-Urethaan (elastomeer)
Contimatic PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Continol PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Contiplast PVC zacht  PVC met weekmaker
Contiplastex PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Contipren PUR Poly-Urethaan
Contitec CR ?
Contivyl PVC Cop Poly-Vinyl-Chloride copolymeer
Corblaniet PS Poly-Styreen
Corephen PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Corotex Si Silicoonrubber
Corvic PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Covaplast PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Covertex PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Crastin PBTP Poly-Butileen-Tereftalaat
Crylor PAN Poly-Acrylo-Nitrille
Culminal MC Methyl-Cellulose
Cuprophan Zellglas Geregenereerde cellulose, cellofaan,zellglas
CV-than PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Cyclolac ABS Acrylonitrille-Butadieen-Styreen
(handels)naam Letterafkorting vlgs. ISO Chemische benamingen
d-c-fix PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Dacron PETP Poly Etheen Tere Ftalaat
Dacron vezel PETP Poly Etheen Tere Ftalaat
Daltoflex UR Butylrubber (elastomeer)
Daplen PE Poly-Etheen
Daplen PP Poly-Propyleen
Darvic PVC hard PVC zonder weekmaker
Decaplast PA Polyamide, Nylon
Decelith PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Degalan PMMA Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat
Degamid PA Polyamide, Nylon
Deglas PMMA Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat
Dekadur PVC hard PVC zonder weekmaker
Dekorit PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Deliplan PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Deliplast PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Delrin POM Poly-Oxy-Methyleen
Demilan MF Melamine-Formaldehyde
Deroton PBTP Poly-Butileen-Tereftalaat
Desamin MF Melamine-Formaldehyde
Desmoflex PUR Poly-Urethaan (elastomeer)
Desmopan PUR Poly-Urethaan (elastomeer)
Desurit UF Ureum-formaldehyde
Dewoglas PMMA Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat
Dewopor PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Diakon PMMA Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat
Diofan D PVDC Polyvinylideenchloride
Diolen vezel PETP Poly Etheen Tere Ftalaat
Distrene PS Poly-Styreen
Dobeckot EP Epoxy (harsen)
Dolan PAN Poly-Acrylo-Nitrille
Dorix PA Polyamide, Nylon
Dorlastan UR Butylrubber (elastomeer)
Dorlastan vezel PUR Poly-Urethaan
Drakavita PVC zacht PVC met weekmaker
Dralon PAN Poly-Acrylo-Nitrille
Dunos VF Vulkan-Fiber
Duraform versterkt PVC diversen Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
(handels)naam Letterafkorting vlgs. ISO Chemische benamingen
Duralin EP Epoxy (harsen)
Duralit EP Epoxy (harsen)
Durethan PA Polyamide, Nylon
Durethan A PA 6.6 Polyamide, Nylon
Durethan B PA 6 Polyamide, Nylon
Durodet UP Unsaturated Polyester
Durophen PF (mod) Fenol-Formaldehyde
Duroxyn EP Epoxy (harsen)
Dyflor 2000 PVDF Poly-Vinyli-deen-Fluoride
Dynaplan PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Dynarohr PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Dynopas VF Vulkan-Fiber
Dynos VF Vulkan-Fiber
Dynyl PA Polyamide, Nylon
Ecaron CA Cellulose-Acetaat
Ecepolen PE Poly-Etheen
Edimet PMMA Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat
Edistir PS Poly-Styreen
Eftrelon PA Polyamide, Nylon
Ekadur PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Ekalit PVC Zacht Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Ekalon PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Ekavin PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Ekazell PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Eltex PE Poly-Etheen
Elvacite PMMA Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat
Elvamide PA Polyamide, Nylon
Elvanol PVAL Polyvinylalcohol
Elvax PE Cop Poly-Etheen copolymeer
Emu-pulver PS Cop Poly-Etheen copolymeer
Epi-rez EP Epoxy (harsen)
Epikote EP Epoxy (harsen)
Epilox EP Epoxy (harsen)
Epocast EP Epoxy (harsen)
Epolite EP Epoxy (harsen)
Epon EP Epoxy (harsen)
Epotuf EP Epoxy (harsen)
Epoxin EP Epoxy (harsen)
(handels)naam Letterafkorting vlgs. ISO Chemische benamingen
Epoxyn EP Epoxy (harsen)
Epradur PVC hard PVC zonder weekmaker
Epratene HDPE Hoge Dichtheid Poly Etheen
Epratex PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Eraclene PE Poly-Etheen
Ercusol PAN Poly-Acrylo-Nitrille
Eriflon PTFE Poly-Tetra-Fluor-Etheen
Erilat PETP Poly Etheen Tere Ftalaat
Erinoid CS ?
Erital POM Poly-Oxy-Methyleen
Ertacetal POM Poly-Oxy-Methyleen
Ertalene PE Poly-Etheen
Ertalon PA Polyamide, Nylon
Ertalon 11 SA PA 11 Polyamide, Nylon
Ertalon 6 SA PA 6 Polyamide, Nylon
Ertalon 6.6 SA PA 6.6 Polyamide, Nylon
Ertalyte PETP Poly Etheen Tere Ftalaat
Ertalyte PETP Poly Etheen Tere Ftalaat
Ertane PUR Poly-Urethaan
Ertane PUR Poly-Urethaan
Ertaphenyl PPO Poly-Phenyleen-Oxide
Ervamine MF (mod) Melamine-Formaldehyde
Ervaphene PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Escon 502 PP Poly-Propyleen
Essene PE Poly-Etheen
Ethafoam PE Poly-Etheen
Etocel EC Ethyl-Cellulose
Etofil PE Poly-Etheen
Europox EP Epoxy (harsen)
Evilon PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Exon PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Exporit PS Poly-Styreen
Ezolith PS Poly-Styreen
Faturan CF (mod) Cresol-Formaldehyde
Faturan PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Febolit PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Fenochem PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Ferropox EP Epoxy (harsen)
(handels)naam Letterafkorting vlgs. ISO Chemische benamingen
Ferrotron PTFE Poly-Tetra-Fluor-Etheen
Fertene LDPE Lage Dichtheid Poly Etheen
Fertene PE Poly-Etheen
Fibercast EP Epoxy (harsen)
Flex PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Flosbrene PS Cop Poly-Styreen copolymeer
Flovic PCV Cop ?
Fluon PTFE Poly-Tetra-Fluor-Etheen
Fluoril PTFE Poly-Tetra-Fluor-Etheen
Fluorosint PTFE Poly-Tetra-Fluor-Etheen
Fluosite PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Folan PO/PVC Phenoxyhars/polyvinylchloride
Folioplast PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Formaldafil POM Poly-Oxy-Methyleen
Formanyl PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Formica MF Melamine-Formaldehyde
Formolit EP Epoxy (harsen)
Forticel CP Cellulose-Propionaat
Fortilene PE Poly-Etheen
Fortilflex PE Poly-Etheen
Fortisan CA Cellulose-Acetaat
Fosta Tuf-Flex SB Styreen-Butadieen (Slagvast PS)
Fostylon PA Polyamide, Nylon
Frigolit PS Poly-Styreen
Furnit PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Furnit-fix PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Gabrite UF Ureum-formaldehyde
Gaflon PTFE Poly-Tetra-Fluor-Etheen
Galalith CS ?
Garbel PVC Cop Poly-Vinyl-Chloride copolymeer
Geadur EP Epoxy (harsen)
Geadur UP Unsaturated Polyester
Geaplast EP Epoxy (harsen)
Geaplast UP Unsaturated Polyester
Geapox EP Epoxy (harsen)
Geax EP Epoxy (harsen)
Geax MF Melamine-Formaldehyde
Geax PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
(handels)naam Letterafkorting vlgs. ISO Chemische benamingen
Geberit PE Poly-Etheen
Gédélite PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Gédex PS Poly-Styreen
Gedexal PS Poly-Styreen
Gedopal PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Gehaplast ABS Acrylonitrille-Butadieen-Styreen
Gel-Kote UP Unsaturated Polyester
Gemon PI Poly-Imide
Genafol PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
genal PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Genolon PVC Cop Poly-Vinyl-Chloride copolymeer
Genopag PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Genotherm PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Geon PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Geon PVDC Polyvinylideenchloride
Gepolit PVC Cop Poly-Vinyl-Chloride copolymeer
Gerfils PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Gerflex PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Glakresit PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Glapoband UR Butylrubber (elastomeer)
Glutofix MC Methyl-Cellulose
Glutolin EC Ethyl-Cellulose
Glutolin MC Methyl-Cellulose
Glyptal Alkydharz Alkydharz
Gölzathen PE Poly-Etheen
Grancon PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Granubel EC Ethyl-Cellulose
Grecoform PS Poly-Styreen
Gremopal UP Unsaturated Polyester
Griffine PUR Poly-Urethaan
Griffolyn PE Poly-Etheen
Grilamid PA12 Polyamide, Nylon
Grilon PA 6 Polyamide, Nylon
Gurimur PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Gutan PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Guttamgena PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Guttasyn PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Hagulen PE Poly-Etheen
(handels)naam Letterafkorting vlgs. ISO Chemische benamingen
Halvic PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Hares PF/CF ?
Harex PF/CF ?
Hedon PVAC Poly-vinyl-acetaat
Helia PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Heliofil PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Helioflex PE Poly-Etheen
Helmapor PS Poly-Styreen
Herboplex UP Unsaturated Polyester
Hermaplast PVAC Poly-vinyl-acetaat
Herox PA Polyamide, Nylon
Heydeflon PTFE Poly-Tetra-Fluor-Etheen
Hi-fax PE Poly-Etheen
Hilex PE Poly-Etheen
Hishi PE Poly-Etheen
Holoplast PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Hornex VF Vulkan-Fiber
Hornitex MF Melamine-Formaldehyde
Hostadur PETP Poly Etheen Tere Ftalaat
Hostaflex PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Hostaflon ET ETFE Etheen-tetra-fluor-etheen
Hostaflon TF PTFE Poly-Tetra-Fluor-Etheen
Hostaform POM Poly-Oxy-Methyleen
Hostaform C POM Poly-Oxy-Methyleen
Hostalen HDPE Hoge Dichtheid Poly Etheen
Hostalen G PE Poly-Etheen
Hostalen LD LDPE Lage Dichtheid Poly Etheen
Hostalen PP PP Poly-Propyleen
Hostalflon PTFE Poly-Tetra-Fluor-Etheen
Hostalit PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Hostaphan PETP Poly Etheen Tere Ftalaat
Hostaphan folie PETP Poly Etheen Tere Ftalaat
Hostapox EP Epoxy (harsen)
Hostlit Z slagvast PVC diversen Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Hostyreen PS Poly-Styreen
Hostyreen XS weerbestendig Poly-Styreen
Hostyren PS Poly-Styreen
(handels)naam Letterafkorting vlgs. ISO Chemische benamingen
Howeflex PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Howelon PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Howesol PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Howstex PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Hycar PAN Poly-Acrylo-Nitrille
Hycar PIBI ?
Hydrofit PUR Poly-Urethaan
Hyvin PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Ignilux PMMA Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat
Imprenal PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Inklurit UF Ureum-formaldehyde
Iolon PE Cop Poly-Etheen copolymeer
Iporka UF Ureum-formaldehyde
Iso-Genopak PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Isocord PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Isodur PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Isopor PS Poly-Styreen
Isoschaum UF Ureum-formaldehyde
Isovyl PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Ixan PVCD ?
Jägadukt MF Melamine-Formaldehyde
Jägaphren PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Jagapol UP Unsaturated Polyester
Kaethan PUR Poly-Urethaan
Kailoc EP Epoxy (harsen)
Kailoc PUR Poly-Urethaan
Kakrofol PC Poly-Carbonaat
Kapton PI Poly-Imide
Kapton film PI Poly-Imide
Kauramin MF Melamine-Formaldehyde
Kauresin CF Cresol-Formaldehyde
Kauresin PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Kaurit UF Ureum-formaldehyde
Kaystrene PS (mod) Poly-Styreen
Kel-F PCTFE Poly-carbonat-tetra-fluor-etheen
Kel-F PVF Poly-Vinyl-Fluoride
Kelanex PBTP Poly-Butileen-Tereftalaat
Kelon F PCTFE Poly-carbonat-tetra-fluor-etheen
(handels)naam Letterafkorting vlgs. ISO Chemische benamingen
Keltan PO-Terpolymeer Phenoxyhars
Kematal POM Poly-Oxy-Methyleen
Keramin MF Melamine-Formaldehyde
Keripol UP Unsaturated Polyester
Keripolat UP Unsaturated Polyester
Keripreg UP Unsaturated Polyester
Kerit PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Kernatal POM Cop polyoxymethyleen copolymeer
Kevlar vezel ARAMIDE Aromatische polyamide
Kömacel structuurschuim PVC hard PVC zonder weekmaker
Komponit MF Melamine-Formaldehyde
Komponit UF Ureum-formaldehyde
Koresin PF (mod) Fenol-Formaldehyde
Korso PVC Poly-vinyl-chloride zacht
Kurny PVC Poly-vinyl-chloride
Kydene PVC (mod) Polyvinylchloride gemodificieerd
Kynar PVDF Poly-Vinyli-deen-Fluoride
Lacqvyl PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Lacrinite PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Lacritex PMMA Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat
Lactame 12 PA 12 Polyamide, Nylon
Lactene PE Poly-Etheen
Lamelite MF Melamine-Formaldehyde
Lamigadur PE Poly-Etheen
Lamigamid PA Polyamide, Nylon
Lamigom UR Butylrubber (elastomeer)
Laminex CF Cresol-Formaldehyde
Laminex PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Lamoltan PUR Poly-Urethaan
Lastilac ABS Acrylonitrille-Butadieen-Styreen
Lastirol PS Poly-Styreen
Latene PE Poly-Etheen
Laticel CA Cellulose-Acetaat
Lavepox EP Epoxy (harsen)
Leacril PAN Poly-Acrylo-Nitrille
Leavil PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Leavin PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Ledasto CN Cellulose-Nitraat, Celluloid
(handels)naam Letterafkorting vlgs. ISO Chemische benamingen
Ledron PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Legrupen UP Unsaturated Polyester
Leguval UP Unsaturated Polyester
Lekutherm EP Epoxy (harsen)
Letex PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Levepox EP Epoxy (harsen)
Levrapen EVA Etheen-Vinyl-Acetaat
Lexan PC Poly-Carbonaat
Lipolan SB Styreen-Butadieen (slagvast PS)
Litex SB Styreen-Butadieen (slagvast PS)
Lorkacel PS Poly-Styreen
Lotrene PE Poly-Etheen
Lucite PMMA Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat
Lucolene PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Ludopal UP Unsaturated Polyester
Luparen PP Poly-Propyleen
Luphene PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Lupolen HDPE Hoge Dichtheid Poly Etheen
Lupolen LDPE Lage Dichtheid Poly Etheen
Lupolen PE Poly-Etheen
Luran SAN Styreen-Acrylo-Nitril
Luran S ASA Acrylonitrille-Styreen-Acrylaat
Luron PA Polyamide, Nylon
Lustran ABS Acrylonitrille-Butadieen-Styreen
Lustran SAN Styreen-Acrylo-Nitril
Lustrex PS Poly-Styreen
Lustrex SB Styreen-Butadieen (slagvast PS)
Lutonal PVAE ?
Lutophan PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Lutrigen CSM ?
Luvitherm PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Luwipal MF Melamine-Formaldehyde
Lycorex PVC Cop Poly-Vinyl-Chloride copolymeer
Lycovyl PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Lycra vezel PUR Poly-Urethaan
Lynicell PVC Poly-vinyl-chloride zacht
Macrolon PC Poly-Carbonaat
Macroplast PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
(handels)naam Letterafkorting vlgs. ISO Chemische benamingen
Madurit MF Melamine-Formaldehyde
Makrofol N folie PC Poly-Carbonaat
Makrolon PC Poly-Carbonaat
Maprenale MF (mod) Melamine-Formaldehyde
Maranyl PA Polyamide, Nylon
Maranyl A PA 6.6 Polyamide, Nylon
Maranyl F PA 6.6 Polyamide, Nylon
Marlex HDPE Hoge Dichtheid Poly Etheen
Marleyflex PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Marleyflor PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Max-Platte MF Melamine-Formaldehyde
Melafilm MF Melamine-Formaldehyde
Melan MF Melamine-Formaldehyde
Melaplast MF Melamine-Formaldehyde
Melbrite MF Melamine-Formaldehyde
Melinex PETP Poly Etheen Tere Ftalaat
Melinex folie PETP Poly Etheen Tere Ftalaat
Melment MF Melamine-Formaldehyde
Melment UF Ureum-formaldehyde
Melmex MF Melamine-Formaldehyde
Melocol MF Melamine-Formaldehyde
Melocol UF Ureum-formaldehyde
Melolam MF Melamine-Formaldehyde
Melopas EP Epoxy (harsen)
Melopas MF Melamine-Formaldehyde
Melopas UF Ureum-formaldehyde
Menzolit UP Unsaturated Polyester
Mepal MF Melamine-Formaldehyde
Metallon EP Epoxy (harsen)
Metracrylene BS Butadieen-Styreen
Metylan MC Methyl-Cellulose
MicrothenE PE Poly-Etheen
Mincel VPE Vernet polyetheen
Minlon PA Polyamide, Nylon
Mipolam PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Mipolam PVC zacht PVC met weekmaker
Mipoplast PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Mipoplast PVC zacht PVC met weekmaker
(handels)naam Letterafkorting vlgs. ISO Chemische benamingen
Miramid PA Polyamide, Nylon
Mirason PE Poly-Etheen
Mirathen PE Poly-Etheen
Moltopren PUR Poly-Urethaan
Moltopren schuim PUR Poly-Urethaan
Moplefan PP Poly-Propyleen
Moplen PP Poly-Propyleen
Moplen Ro PE Poly-Etheen
Moudrite PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Moudrite UF Ureum-formaldehyde
Mouldrite UF Ureum-formaldehyde
Movil PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Mowicoll PVAC Poly-vinyl-acetaat
Mowilith PVAC Poly-vinyl-acetaat
Mowiol PVAL Polyvinylalcohol
Mowiton PVAC Poly-vinyl-acetaat
Multiform P ?
Multilene HDPE Hoge Dichtheid Poly Etheen
Multilene PE Poly-Etheen
Multilene PP Poly-Propyleen
MXD-Faser PA Polyamide, Nylon
Mylar PETP Poly Etheen Tere Ftalaat
Mylar folie PETP Poly Etheen Tere Ftalaat
Nalene PE Poly-Etheen
Nandel PAN Poly-Acrylo-Nitrille
Napryl PS Poly-Styreen
Naxolene PS Poly-Styreen
Naxolite CA Cellulose-Acetaat
Neopolen LDPE Lage Dichtheid Poly Etheen
Neoprene CR Chloorrubber
Neoxil UR Butylrubber (elastomeer)
Neupora PS Poly-Styreen
Nevalin PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Nevanylon PA Polyamide, Nylon
Nicaron PVC Cop Poly-Vinyl-Chloride copolymeer
Nicolon PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Nicotherm PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Nikalet PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
(handels)naam Letterafkorting vlgs. ISO Chemische benamingen
Nikavinyl PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Nikelet MF Melamine-Formaldehyde
Nipeon PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Nipolon PE Poly-Etheen
Nitrolon PAN Poly-Acrylo-Nitrille
Nitron PAN Poly-Acrylo-Nitrille
Nivion PA Polyamide, Nylon
Nobipor PS Poly-Styreen
Noblan PS Poly-Styreen
Nopalon PA Polyamide, Nylon
Nopalplast PA Polyamide, Nylon
Nopinol PF (mod) Fenol-Formaldehyde
Norflex PS PolyStyreen
Norsodyne UP Unsaturated Polyester
Norsomix UP Unsaturated Polyester
Norsopreg UP Unsaturated Polyester
Norsoran ABS Acrylonitrille-Butadieen-Styreen
Noryl PPO Poly-Phenyleen-Oxide
Novalen PS PolyStyreen
Novitex PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Novodur ABS Acrylonitrille-Butadieen-Styreen
Novolen PP Poly Propyleen
Novolite UP Unsaturated Polyester
Novolon PVC zacht PVC met weekmaker
Novopan UF Ureum-formaldehyde
Novotext PF hawe fenol-Formaldehyde met weefsel
Nwiflex PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Nyhamin MF Melamine-Formaldehyde
Nylatron PA Polyamide, Nylon
Nylatron PA 6.6 Polyamide, Nylon
Nylon PA Polyamide, Nylon
Oldopal UP Unsaturated Polyester
Orgamide PA Polyamide, Nylon
Orgater PBTP Poly-Butileen-Tereftalaat
Orlon PAN Poly-Acrylo-Nitrille
Osnalen PE Poly-Etheen
Osnalen PP Poly Propyleen
Ospelon PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
(handels)naam Letterafkorting vlgs. ISO Chemische benamingen
Osstyrol ABS Acrylonitrille-Butadieen-Styreen
Osstyrol SB Styreen-Butadieen (slagvast PS)
Pagulan PUR PolyUrethaan
Pagwood PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Palatal UP Unsaturated Polyester
Panlite PC Poly-Carbonaat
Pantaplast PUR PolyUrethaan
Pantarin PUR PolyUrethaan
Paraglas PMMA Poly Methyl Meth Acrylaat
Paraloid ABS Acrylonitrille-Butadieen-Styreen
Parylene Polu-p-xylylen ?
PC-Kleber PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Peguform PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Pelaspan PS PolyStyreen
Perfol PA Polyamide, Nylon
perlon PMMA Poly Methyl Meth Acrylaat
Perlonvezel PA Polyamide, Nylon
Perspex PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Perspex PMMA Poly Methyl Meth Acrylaat
Pertinax PE Poly-Etheen
Pertinax PF hapa Fenol-Formaldehyde met papierlagen
Petrothene VPE Vernet polyetheen
Phenoxyharz PO Phenoxyhars
Philite UF Ureum-formaldehyde
Phoenolan PUR PolyUrethaan
Phoenolit PVC (mod) Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Phoenopren PMMA Poly Methyl Meth Acrylaat
Piacryl PMMA Poly Methyl Meth Acrylaat
Piadurol UF (mod) Ureum-formaldehyde
Piaflor UF Ureum-formaldehyde
Piatherm UF Ureum-formaldehyde
Pibiter PBTP Poly-Butileen-Tereftalaat
Pioloform Polyvinylacetal Polyvinylacetal
PK-Tex MF Melamine-Formaldehyde
Planatex PVC Poly-Vinyl-Chloride
Plastacele CA Cellulose-Acetaat
Plastapak PVC PolyVinylChloride
Plastapan PVC F PolyVinylChloride
(handels)naam Letterafkorting vlgs. ISO Chemische benamingen
Plastazote PE PolyEtheen
Plastin PE PolyEtheen
Plastisol PS PolyStyreen
Plastoflex PVC PolyVinylChloride
Plastothen PE PolyEtheen
Plastrotrans PE PolyEtheen
Plastupalat PMCA Acrylpolymerisate
Plexidur PMMA/PAN Polymethylmethacrylaat/polyacrylonitrille
Plexiglas PMMA Poly Methyl Meth Acrylaat
Plexigym PMCA Acrylpolymerisate
Plexilith PMCA Acrylpolymerisate
Pleximon PMCA Acrylpolymerisate
Plexit PMMA PolyMethylMethAcrylaat
Plextol PMCA Acrylpolymerisate
Pliovic PVC PolyVinylChloride
Plypac PVC PolyVinylChloride
Plyvit PVC PolyVinylChloride
Pocan PBTP PolyButileenTereftalaat
Pokalon PC PolyCarbonaat
Pokalon PC folie PolyCarbonaat
Polaster UP Unsaturated Polyester
Polidro PVC PolyVinylChloride
Pollopas UF Ureum-formaldehyde
Pollydet UP Unsaturated Polyester
Polufluron PTFE Poly-Tetra-Fluor-Etheen
Polwinit PVC PolyVinylChloride
Polyaire Pur PolyUrethaan
Polyane PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Polyanyl PA Polyamide, Nylon
Polycarbafil PC Poly-Carbonaat
Polyeit UP Unsaturated Polyester
Polyen PE Poly-Etheen
Polyflex PVC PolyVinylChloride
Polymer SP PI Poly-Imide
Polynak PAN Poly-Acrylo-Nitrille
Polyron UR Butylrubber (elastomeer)
Polyron UR Butylrubber (elastomeer)
Polysar ABS Acrylonitrille Butadieen Styreen
(handels)naam Letterafkorting vlgs. ISO Chemische benamingen
Polysolit PVC PolyVinylChloride
Polysulfon Polysulfon Polysulfon
Polytherm PVC PolyVinylChloride
Polyviol PVAL Polyvinylalcohol
Ponal PVAC Polyvinylacetaat
Poprolin PP Poly Propyleen
Porocell PS PolyStyreen
Porodur PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Poron PS PolyStyreen
Poroplast PVC PolyVinylChloride
Preglas UP Unsaturated Polyester
Prelana PAN Poly-Acrylo-Nitrille
Prenite PVC PolyVinylChloride
Prescollan UR Butylrubber (elastomeer)
Pressal-Leim MF Melamine-Formaldehyde
Prodentil PMCA Acrylpolymerisate
Prodorit MF Melamine-Formaldehyde
Pro-fax PP Poly Propyleen
Profil PP PolyPropyleen
Progilite PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Propafilm PP PolyPropyleen
Propathene PP PolyPropyleen
Propiofan PVC-Cop PolyVinylChloride copolymeer
Propylsar PP PolyPropyleen
Prylene PE-Cop PolyEtheen copolymeer
Prylene PP PolyPropyleen
PTMT-TSG PTMT schuim Poly-Tetra-Methyleen-Tereftalaat
Pyre-ML PI Poly-Imide
Pyrrone PI Poly-Imide
Q X-13 PI Poly-Imide
Quiana PA Polyamide, Nylon
Quox PUR PolyUrethaan
Rapok PF (mod) Fenol-Formaldehyde
Ravemul PVAL Polyvinylalcohol
Ravikral ABS Acrylonitrille-Butadieen-Styreen
Ravinil PVC PolyVinylChloride
Recopor PS PolyStyreen
Redontil PMCA Acrylpolymerisate
(handels)naam Letterafkorting vlgs. ISO Chemische benamingen
Refix PE PolyEtheen
Relatin CMC Carboxy-Methyl-Cellulose
Renyl PA Polyamide, Nylon
Repthane PUR PolyUrethaan
Resarit PMCA Acrylpolymerisate
Resarit PMMA PolyMethylMethAcrylaat
Resarix PMCA Acrylpolymerisate
Resarol PMCA Acrylpolymerisate
Resart MF Melamine-Formaldehyde
Resart PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Resart UP Unsaturated Polyester
Resartglas PMMA PolyMethylMethAcrylaat
Resartherm MF Melamine-Formaldehyde
Resartherm UP Unsaturated Polyester
Resicart MF Melamine-Formaldehyde
Resicart UF Ureum-formaldehyde
Resinit EP Epoxy (harsen)
Resinit PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Resinol PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Resipas MF Melamine-Formaldehyde
Resistit CR ?
Resoform UP Unsaturated Polyester
Resopal H UF Ureum-formaldehyde
Resopal MF Melamine-Formaldehyde
Resopal UF Ureum-formaldehyde
Résophène PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Résophène UF Ureum-formaldehyde
Restil SAN Styreen-Acrylo-Nitril
Restiran ABS Acrylonitrille-Butadieen-Styreen
Restirolo PS PolyStyreen
Resydrol PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Resydrol PMCA Acrylpolymerisate
Resydrol UF Ureum-formaldehyde
Rexion PE Poly-Etheen
Rhenadur PVC (mod) polyvinylchloride gemodificieerd
Rhenalon PVC-Cop PolyVinylChloride copolymeer
Rhenamit PVC Poly Vinyl Chloride
Rhenital CF Cresol-Formaldehyde
(handels)naam Letterafkorting vlgs. ISO Chemische benamingen
Rhenital PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Rhenofol PVC Poly Vinyl Chloride
Rhenoglas PVC Poly Vinyl Chloride
Rhenophen PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Rhenoplast PVC Poly Vinyl Chloride
Rhiamer PC Poly Carbonaat
Rhiamer PE Poly Etheen
Rhiamer PIB Poly-iso-butyleen
Rhiamer PP PolyPropyleen
Rhinohyde PUR PolyUrethaan
Rhodeftal PA Polyamide, Nylon
Rhodester UP Unsaturated Polyester
Rhodialine CA Cellulose-Acetaat
Rhodialite CA Cellulose-Acetaat
Rhodopan CA Cellulose-Acetaat
Rhodopas PS PolyStyreen
Rhodopas PVC-Cop PolyVinylChloride copolymeer
Rhodorsit Si Silicoonrubber
Rhodoviol PVAL Polyvinylalcohol
Rhodvilène PVC-Cop PolyVinylChloride copolymeer
Rhovilite PVC-Cop Poly Vinyl Chloride copolymeer
Rhovinal PVB ?
Rhovinal PVFO ?
RIAG PC Poly Carbonaat
RIAG PS PolyStyreen
RIAG PVC Poly Vinyl Chloride
Riblene PE Poly Etheen
Rigidex PE Poly Etheen
Rilsan A PA 12 Polyamide, Nylon
Rilsan B PA 12 Polyamide, Nylon
Rohacell PI Poly-Imide
Rohacell PMCA Acrylpolymerisate
Rohatex PMCA Acrylpolymerisate
Ronfalin ABS Acrylonitrille Butadieen Styreen
Rubex PMMA PolyMethylMethAcrylaat
Rütapox EP Epoxy (harsen)
Rynite PETP Poly Etheen Tere Ftalaat
Ryton PPS Poly-Fenyleen-sulfide
(handels)naam Letterafkorting vlgs. ISO Chemische benamingen
Sacopal MF Melamine-Formaldehyde
Sacopal UF Ureum-formaldehyde
Sadethane PA Polyamide, Nylon
Sadur PAN/PMMA-Cop Polyacrylonitrille/plexi-copolymeer
Saduren MF (mod) Melamine-Formaldehyde
Sapranyl PA Polyamide, Nylon
Saxetal CA Cellulose-Acetaat
Sayelle MAN ?
Schalon PS PolyStyreen
Sconater PVC Poly Vinyl Chloride
Sconatex PVDC Polyvinylideenchloride
Semperiten PE Poly-Etheen
Semperpren PUR PolyUrethaan
Sempuran PUR PolyUrethaan
Setilithe CA Cellulose-Acetaat
Sicostirol PS PolyStyreen
Sicostirol SB Styreen-Butadieen (slagvast PS)
Sicovin Si Silicoonrubber
Sicovinil PVC Poly Vinyl Chloride
Sicril PAN Poly-Acrylo-Nitrille
Sicron PVC Poly Vinyl Chloride
Sidamid PA Polyamide, Nylon
Siegapor PS PolyStyreen
Silastic Si Silicoonrubber
Silastomer Si Silicoonrubber
Silicor Si Silicoonrubber
Silopren PUR PolyUrethaan
Sirfen CF Cresol-Formaldehyde
Sirfen PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Sirit UF Ureum-formaldehyde
Siritle UF Ureum-formaldehyde
Siron PETP Poly Etheen Tere Ftalaat
Sirpol PVC Poly Vinyl Chloride
Sirtene PE Poly-Etheen
Snowpearl PS PolyStyreen
Solef PVDF Poly-Vinyli-deen-Fluoride
Solvic PVC Poly Vinyl Chloride
Solvitherm PeCe ?
(handels)naam Letterafkorting vlgs. ISO Chemische benamingen
Soreflon PTFE Poly-Tetra-Fluor-Etheen
Sprylast UR Butylrubber (elastomeer)
Stamylan HDPE Hoge Dichtheid PolyEtheen
Stamylan LDPE Hoge Dichtheid PolyEtheen
Steonef PVDF Poly-Vinyli-deen-Fluoride
Stiroplasto PS PolyStyreen
Stratly UP Unsaturated Polyester
Stren PA Polyamide, Nylon
Sturofoam schuim PS Poly-Styreen
Styrafil PS Poly-Styreen
Styrafil SB Styreen-Butadieen (slagvast PS)
Styriso PS Poly-Styreen
Styrocell PS Poly-Styreen
Styrodur PVDF Poly-Vinyli-deen-Fluoride
Styrodur schuim PS Poly-Styreen
Styrofane PUR Poly-Urethaan
Styroflex PVC PolyVinylChloride
Styron PS Poly-Styreen
Styron PS (mod) Poly-Styreen, gemodificeerd
Styropor PS Poly-Styreen
Styvarène PS Poly-Styreen
Sübalit PS Poly-Styreen
Sumilit PVC PolyVinylChloride
Sumipex PMMA PolyMethylMethAcrylaat
Sunprene PVC (mod) Poly-Vinyl-Chloride,  gemodificeerd
Supralen HDPE Hoge Dichtheid PolyEtheen
Supralen LDPE Hoge Dichtheid PolyEtheen
Supraplast EP Epoxy (harsen)
Supraplast MF Melamine-Formaldehyde
Suprathen PE Poly-Etheen
Supratherm PVC PolyVinylChloride
Suraplast PA Polyamide, Nylon
Suraplast UF Ureum-formaldehyde
Suraplast UP Unsaturated Polyester
Surfatax UP Unsaturated Polyester
Surlyn PE-Cop PolyEtheen copolymeer
Sustamid PA Polyamide, Nylon
Sustarin POM PolyOxyMethyleen
(handels)naam Letterafkorting vlgs. ISO Chemische benamingen
Sustodur PETP Poly-Tetra-Fluor-Ftalaat
Sustonat PC Poly-Carbonaat
Sustylen PE Poly-Etheen
Sustylen PP PolyPropyleen
Symalen PE Poly-Etheen
Synthacryl PMCA Acrylpolymerisate
Synthemul PMMA/PAN-Cop polymethylmethacrylaat/polyacrylonitrille
Taktene PR ?
Technyl PA Polyamide, Nylon
Tedlar PVF Poly-Vinyl-Fluoride
Teflon PTFE Poly-Tetra-Fluor-Etheen
Tefzel VPE Vernet Polyetheen
Tefzel 200 ETFE Etheen-tetra-fluor-etheen
Tegofilm PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Tegofilm UF Ureum-formaldehyde
Tenite CA Cellulose-Acetaat
Tenite CAB Cellulose-Acetaat-Butyraat
Tenite CP Cellulose-Propionaat
Tenite PE Poly-Etheen
Tenite PP PolyPropyleen
Tenite PTMT Poly-Tetra-Methyleen-Tereftalaat
Tentronit PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Terlenka PETP Poly-Tetra-Fluor-Ftalaat
Terlenka vezel PETP Poly Tetra Fluor Etheen
Terluran ABS Acrylonitrille-Butadieen-Styreen
Ternel PVC PolyVinylChloride
Terylene PETP Poly Tetra Fluor Ftalaat
Tesamoll UR Butylrubber (elastomeer)
Tirilfoam SAN Styreen-Acrylo-Nitril
Tortulen PE Poly-Etheen
Tortulen PP PolyPropyleen
Tortulit T CA Cellulose-Acetaat
Tortulit T CM  
TPX PO Phenoxyhars
Transpex PMMA PolyMethylMethAcrylaat
Trelon MA ?
Trespa MF Melamine-Formaldehyde
Trespalen PE Poly-Etheen
(handels)naam Letterafkorting vlgs. ISO Chemische benamingen
Trespaphan PP PolyPropyleen
Trevira PETP Poly Tetra Fluor Ftalaat
Trevira vezel PETP Poly Tetra Fluor Etheen
Triafol CAB Cellulose-Acetaat-Butyraat
Tricel CTA ?
Trocal PVC PolyVinylChloride
Trocellen LDPE Hoge Dichtheid PolyEtheen
Trofil PE Poly-Etheen
Trofil PP Poly-Propyleen
Trogamid PA Polyamide, Nylon
Trogamid PA 6 Polyamide, Nylon
Trolen PE Poly-Etheen
Trolen PP PP Poly-Propyleen
Trolitan CF Cresol-Formaldehyde
Trolitan PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Trolitax EP Epoxy (harsen)
Trolitax PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Trolitul PS Poly-Styreen
Tromiphon PVC-Cop Poly Vinyl Chloride copolymeer
Troporit PF (mod) Fenol-Formaldehyde
Trosifol PVB ?
Trosiplast PVC hard PVC zonder weekmaker
Trosiplast PVC PolyVinylChloride
Trovidur PE Poly-Etheen
Trovidur PP Poly-Propyleen
Trovidur PVC PolyVinylChloride
Trovilon PVC PolyVinylChloride
Trovipor PVC PolyVinylChloride
Trovipor schuim PVC PolyVinylChloride
Trovitherm PVC PolyVinylChloride
Tuffak PMMA Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat
Tuf-flex SAN Styreen-Acrylo-Nitril
Tufnol schuim PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Tuftane UR Butylrubber (elastomeer)
Tungophen PF (mod) Fenol-Formaldehyde
Turporex PS Poly-Styreen
Tybrene ABS Acrylonitrille-Butadieen-Styreen
Tygaflor PTFE Poly-Tetra-Fluor-Etheen
(handels)naam Letterafkorting vlgs. ISO Chemische benamingen
Tynex PA Polyamide, Nylon
Typar PP Poly-Propyleen
Tyril SAN Styreen-Acrylo-Nitril
Ugikral ABS Acrylonitrille-Butadieen-Styreen
Ultradur PTLT Poly-Tetra-Methyleen-Tereftalaat
Ultraform POM Poly Oxy Methyleen
Ultramid PA Polyamide, Nylon
Ultramid PA 6 Polyamide, Nylon
Ultramid A PA 6.6 Polyamide, Nylon
Ultrapas MF Melamine-Formaldehyde
Ultraphan CA Cellulose-Acetaat
Urafil PUR Poly-Urethaan
Uralite UF (mod) Ureum-formaldehyde
Urbanit PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Urbanit UF Ureum-formaldehyde
Urecolle UF Ureum-formaldehyde
Urepan PUR Poly-Urethaan
Uresin B UF Ureum-formaldehyde
Uropal UF Ureum-formaldehyde
Uropol PUR Poly-Urethaan
Urtal ABS Acrylonitrille-Butadieen-Styreen
Vallade ABS OB Acrylonitrille-Butadieen-Styreen
Valox PBTP Poly-Butileen-Tereftalaat
Varlan PVC hard PVC zonder weekmaker
Vedril PMMA Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat
Velbex PVS ?
Verelite PS Poly-Styreen
Versalon PA Polyamide, Nylon
Verspel PI Poly-Imide
Vespel hars PI Poly-Imide
Vestamid PA Polyamide, Nylon
Vestamid PA 12 Polyamide, Nylon
Vestan PETP Poly Tetra Fluor Ftalaat
Vestolen A HDPE Hoge Dichtheid PolyEtheen
Vestolen A PE Poly-Etheen
Vestolen BT PB Polybuteen
Vestolen P PP Poly-Propyleen
Vestolit PVC PolyVinylChloride
(handels)naam Letterafkorting vlgs. ISO Chemische benamingen
Vestopal UP Unsaturated Polyester
Vestopal UP Unsaturated Polyester
Vestoran SAN Styreen-Acrylo-Nitril
Vestypor PS SAN Poly-Styreen/Styreenacrylonitrille
Vestyron PS Poly-Styreen
Vestyron SB Styreen-Butadieen (slagvast PS)
Viamin UF Ureum-formaldehyde
Viapal UP Unsaturated Polyester
Viaphen PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Viclan PVC-Cop Poly Vinyl Chloride copolymeer
Victrex PES Ethersulfon
Vigopas UP Unsaturated Polyester
Vigorol CF Cresol-Formaldehyde
Vigorol PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Vilit PVC-Cop Poly-Vinyl-Chloride copolymeer
Vinalit PVAC Poly vinyl acetaat
Vinidur PVC PolyVinylChloride
Vinitex PVDC Polyvinylideenchloride
Vinnapas PVAC Poly-vinyl-acetaat
Vinnol PVC PolyVinylChloride
Vinoflex PVC PolyVinylChloride
Vinybel PVC PolyVinylChloride
Vipla PVC PolyVinylChloride
Viplast PVC PolyVinylChloride
Viplast PVC zacht PVC met weekmaker
Viplavil PVC-Cop Poly-Vinyl-Chloride copolymeer
Vipolit PVC (mod) Poly-Vinyl-Chloride,  gemodificeerd
Vistram PUR Poly-Urethaan
Vitapol PMMA Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat
Vitaprene PUR Poly-Urethaan
Vitathane PUR Poly-Urethaan
Vitel PUR Poly-Urethaan
Vitredil PMMA Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat
Vitrosil PF Fenol-Formaldehyde
Vituf UP Unsaturated Polyester
Vixir PVC PolyVinylChloride
Volkaril PVC (mod) Poly-Vinyl-Chloride,  gemodificeerd
Vonnel PAN Poly-Acrylo-Nitrille
(handels)naam Letterafkorting vlgs. ISO Chemische benamingen
Voranol PUR Poly-Urethaan
Vos PMMA Poly-Methyl-Meth-Acrylaat
Vulcathene LDPE Hoge Dichtheid PolyEtheen
Vulkaresen PF (mod) Fenol-Formaldehyde, gemodificeerd
Vulkasol Thioplaste Silicoonrubber
Vulkide ABS Acrylonitrille-Butadieen-Styreen
Vulkide PP Poly-Propyleen
Vulkollan PUR Poly-Urethaan elastomeer
Vybak PVC PolyVinylChloride
Wacker-copolymer VAE PE (cop) Poly-Etheen copolymeer
Walpol PVAC Poly-vinyl-acetaat
Welvic PVC PolyVinylChloride
Wolcrylon PAN Poly-Acrylo-Nitrille
Wolfin PE Poly-Etheen
Wolfin PP Poly-Propyleen
Wolfin PS Poly-Styreen
Wolfin PVC PolyVinylChloride
XR-polymer Polysulfon Polysulfon
X-T-Polymer PMCA Acrylpolymerisate
Xyleen UR Butylrubber (elastomeer)
Xylon PA Polyamide, Nylon
Xylonite CN Cellulose-Nitraat, Celluloid
Ykalon PE Poly-Etheen
Ykalon PP Poly-Propyleen
Zefran PA Polyamide, Nylon
Zellamid PA Polyamide, Nylon
Zellidur PVC PolyVinylChloride
Zetafin PE-Cop PolyEtheen copolymeer
Zytel PA Polyamide, Nylon
Zytel PA 6.6 Polyamide, Nylon

Wat is een handelsnaam van een kunststof product?

Een handelsnaam van kunststof is een naam of merknaam die voor een specifiek product of productgroep gehanteerd wordt. Dit ka nook door een specifieke leverancier zo gebruikt worden. Kijk bijvoorbeeld naar de tabel bovenstaand. PA 6 is de afkorting van Polyamide, Nylon en wordt door leverancier DuPont Zytel genoemd. Dit is hun merknaam ofwel handelsnaam. Zo kan elke leverancier zijn eigen handelsnamen hanteren.

Wat is een chemische benaming binnen de kunststof sector?

Een chemische benaming is niet de merknaam maar de omschrijving van de moleculaire opbouw. Dit geeft informatie over de samenstelling van het product. 

Heeft u vragen over de kunststof handelsnamen, chemische benamingen en afkortingen? Neem dan even contact op met een kunststof professional van Perlaplast Kunststofshop.